Myriad hues of life


Book title – Myriad hues of life

Publisher – The little booktique club      Pages –  57 pages   Language – English

Genre – poetry

Authors –  Pooja Mandla

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About the author –   Pooja describes herself as an educator by profession but a word-weaver by passion. Her poems have been published in twenty anthologies, in India and internationally, by various publication houses. In 2021 Pooja received the ‘Annual Wordsmith Award’ from the Asian Literary Society for her exceptional work in the field of literature.

About the book – I received a copy of this book from the author for review. ‘Myriad of hues’ is a compilation of twenty-two wonderful poems that encapsulate life and emotions. Pooja’s poetry is not static to a particular emotion of life but is instead a like the deep waters of life, stirred repeatedly by invisible, unseen and unexpected hands/circumstances that make life such a cornucopia of feelings and emotions. We all know that never is human nature static. But pooja has deftly explored that!

The language of the book is simple and in that lies the most endearing quality of the book. In most of the poems, I found a symbolism for the feminine gender. The poems represent what women go through, what they feel and the many layers (complicated or otherwise) that make up the comportment of a woman’s nature. I loved reading these poems the most!!

I am at a loss to choose my favourite poems from this volume (there are so many that touched me) but I quote underneath a few of my favourite verses.

  1. Page 5, poem – Myriad hues of a woman – //With myriad hues of emotions, she bathed in both night’s glitter and day’s brilliance. When the golden orb blooms, she wins over her life’s vast sky and its gloom. Shyly, she unfurls her crimson wings across the rich blue, making her dew drops smile with myriad of hues//
  2. Page 9, poem – my mother – //I think of her, my vacuum fills with pellucid space. I feel that; my angel guards me with strength and grace//.
  3. Page 26, poem – I often travel to my lost childhood – //when life enrobes a fatigued look, dust settles at my mind’s every nook. Love refuses to listen to songs sans any melody. Everything tastes bitter and, my heart also refuses any remedy. I, then, travel to my lost magical childhood, where I, an exquisite floret, once bloomed in iridescent wood//.

‘Myriad hues of life’ is a slim volume and not so laden with complicated poetic styles that it would be heavy reading for novices. It’s a beautiful little book that brings peace and reflection in its wave.



About Sonal Singh

I believe that life is a repertoire of anecdotes. The various situations that we encounter, the many incidents of every day, the people we meet, our conversations with them; all make life a melange of tales.And, that is what I attempt to capture through my writing.My cooking is no different! It reflects my love for travel and my love for innovation. The kitchen is my happy place.So, even though by vocation I am a recruiter (, by passion I am a writer, home chef and a hodophile.

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