Tag Archives: indianauthor

The labyrinth of silence

Book title – The labyrinth of Silence Publisher – Vishwakarma publications Pages – 207    Language – English Genre – fiction Author – Aparna Salvi Nagda Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/LABYRINTH-SILENCE-Aparna-Salvi-Nagda-ebook/dp/B0D2RXXM5D/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2JKSXBYU9T4W2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.tqPTiLPlD3qZBu1EJZamvycx-LAjHdNNYOYeEBZmDQGii1ptfDgMhhBWcj6VSy_XT–84aQyw2bhJtl0MkJ_2_1uzPw5RFNGxss-deC_FhW0y_tWi012PIp5M_BsQJkkgTCc9woQtDMfTSz1zGalhE1GEs6hUT68DE4rDIvDH1i6h525w-a7WiClgJjY-SFfyNpnyab3qQ0MAW9-9UZR3iEXuI_tHLIynxr7MuTU7USXKJfUn4Gepbq8pn7zwoU2DQVczCAM0yonmVCsR6-Q_cnfqrIhudQpyx4aEuZvDHs.pu5gsGY31XEIuaeiiuqCTL7L3J5w211mkjlOQ2U_CsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+labyrinth+of+silence&qid=1719288704&sprefix=the+labyrinth%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Dr Aparna Salvi Nagda is a homeopathic practitioner by day and …

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Beneath Divided Skies

                  Book title – Beneath Divided Skies Publisher –  Vishwakarma Publications Pages –  262 pages   Language – English Genre – contemporary fiction Author – Natasha Sharma Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Beneath-Divided-Skies-Natasha-Sharma-ebook/dp/B0CZP9R18Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1TJAMSQHSY5CP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KFpEPaNUSTxRQsFEUyMpPj298Q7_QuvR8_nCGM5M6Tss-VSWZaar6XQSYUT7gQifd9T-Mt-LG42mPjPifV6iTg.hV8fB5UocPu85y71gfEIm_i1yeKUs_3Basl8nEoVa9Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=beneath+divided+skies&qid=1718429368&sprefix=beneath+divided+skie%2Caps%2C226&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author – Natasha Sharma is …

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La passaran … armistice … and peace they passed on…

Book title – La passaran … armistice … and peace they passed on… Publisher –  Notion press      Pages – 208 pages   Language – English Author – Kaushik Ghosh Genre – Historical fiction Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – amazon.in/Passaran-armistice-Peace-They-Passed/dp/B0CP89XPK3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1LBIAV2XC1OKA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wlVetqV9E4K0k3-XvJEntw.jla_byW11zwIh-rD8Y52scC6L1w0NwKoCGdZ-hxbU3w&dib_tag=se&keywords=la+passaran&qid=1710732287&sprefix=la+passara%2Caps%2C216&sr=8-1 ————————————————————————————————- About the author – Kaushik is a medical academician …

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Nostalgia crafting a home within

  Book title – Nostalgia crafting a home within Publisher – red river  Pages –  126 pages   Language – English Genre – poetry Authors –   Mahua Sen Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Nostalgia-Crafting-Home-Within-Mahua/dp/9392494521/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1N60W3P4ECZFX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.0cOfZ8nd3wrD49UKETkCtceUUKa9DSEwNuDFZ_oyL9hJdK_hQnNyJHitomC2qop6udlFZClBCKi7g6kL53vOq9Z7UgEasL0C_-dowruZOv65iY1oKaGYIo7Rd-PlrRHK.x4Y_SqlbW8Hseq25SgJQpxMZqO3Tk-IfXaJWpOIoU5c&dib_tag=se&keywords=mahua+sen&qid=1708571582&sprefix=mahua+sen%2Caps%2C257&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –  MAHUA SEN is an author, poet, editor, and translator, …

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Myriad hues of life

  Book title – Myriad hues of life Publisher – The little booktique club      Pages –  57 pages   Language – English Genre – poetry Authors –  Pooja Mandla Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Myriad-Hues-Life-collection-poems/dp/B0CL32SSPK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OQC6Q0KQP8W9&keywords=myriad+hues+of+life&qid=1707105267&sprefix=myriad+hues+of+lif%2Caps%2C207&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Pooja describes herself as an educator by profession …

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A little bit of love

Book title – A little bit of love Publisher – Shaherazad Shelves Pages –  284 pages   Language – English Genre – love, drama Authors –  Dr Arva Bhavnagarwala Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Little-Bit-Love-Arva-Bhavnagarwala-ebook/dp/B0CCK4NQZK/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=a+little+bit+of+love&qid=1695115094&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Arva Bhavnagarwala is a pediatrician and writer based …

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Pugmarks and carbon footprints

Book title – Pugmarks and carbon footprints Publisher –  Penguin random house India  Pages –  240 pages   Language – English Genre – humour, wildlife Author – Rohan Chakravarty Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Pugmarks-Carbon-Footprints-Rohan-Chakravarty/dp/0143459899/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1H1L9XKWCCA9C&keywords=pugmarks+and+carbon+footprints&qid=1689576497&sprefix=pugmarks+and+carbon+footprints%2Cspecialty-aps%2C208&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Rohan Chakravarty, notorious for rolling up into a …

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The Indian Cafe in London

Book title – The Indian café in London Publisher – EP publishers   Pages –   318  Language – English Genre – drama Author – Veena Nagpal Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Indian-Cafe-London-Veena-Nagpal/dp/8190590375/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WYI4WIY720UU&keywords=the+indian+cafe+in+london&qid=1689395385&sprefix=the+indian+cafe+in+london%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Veena Nagpal is tiny but she’s fierce! She has always fiercely …

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The journey of Bunty and Chinku

The book echoes the real world experiences that many people face on a day to day basis. Human responsibility towards animal welfare in the community and its role in uplifting humans and the environment is the central theme and premise of the book.

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