Tag Archives: bookrecommendation

La passaran … armistice … and peace they passed on…

Book title – La passaran … armistice … and peace they passed on… Publisher –  Notion press      Pages – 208 pages   Language – English Author – Kaushik Ghosh Genre – Historical fiction Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – amazon.in/Passaran-armistice-Peace-They-Passed/dp/B0CP89XPK3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1LBIAV2XC1OKA&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wlVetqV9E4K0k3-XvJEntw.jla_byW11zwIh-rD8Y52scC6L1w0NwKoCGdZ-hxbU3w&dib_tag=se&keywords=la+passaran&qid=1710732287&sprefix=la+passara%2Caps%2C216&sr=8-1 ————————————————————————————————- About the author – Kaushik is a medical academician …

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Naam, namak, nishan – the ultimate Indian Armed Forces quizbook

Book title – Naam, namak, Nishan – The Ultimate Indian Armed Forces Quizbook Publisher – Penguin random house India  Pages –  216 pages   Language – English Genre – general knowledge, trivia Authors –  Anurakshat Gupta, Arnabh Sengupta, Hitesh Mahato,  Anmol Dhawan, Sagnik Sarkar Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Naam-Namak-Nishan-Ultimate-Quizbook/dp/0143462288/ref=sr_1_1?crid=18K5ZUBPM87O8&keywords=naam%2C+namak%2C+nishan&qid=1689661327&sprefix=naam%2C+namak%2C+nisha%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-1 ************************************************** …

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Pugmarks and carbon footprints

Book title – Pugmarks and carbon footprints Publisher –  Penguin random house India  Pages –  240 pages   Language – English Genre – humour, wildlife Author – Rohan Chakravarty Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Pugmarks-Carbon-Footprints-Rohan-Chakravarty/dp/0143459899/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1H1L9XKWCCA9C&keywords=pugmarks+and+carbon+footprints&qid=1689576497&sprefix=pugmarks+and+carbon+footprints%2Cspecialty-aps%2C208&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Rohan Chakravarty, notorious for rolling up into a …

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Book title – Rooh Publisher –  Penguin eBury Press  Pages –  256 pages   Language – English (translated from Hindi by Pooja Priyamvada) Genre – Memoir, travelogue Author – Manav Kaul Available on – amazon.in Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Rooh-Manav-Kaul/dp/0670098035/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1K76AEP40AFJV&keywords=rooh+manav+kaul&qid=1682588530&sprefix=rooh+%2Caps%2C324&sr=8-4 ************************************************** About the author –   Born in Baramulla, Kashmir, Manav Kaul …

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My name is Cinnamon

The story line is simple; a boy in search of his birth parents learns the true meaning of finding a home. The plotline chronicles the boy’s journey in this search. It takes us from Pune to Kolkata and then subsequently to the interiors of Maharashtra (Nandurbar) where the protagonist finds his answers. The characters in the book have been etched well. The scenes from the protagonist’s childhood are particularly well written and they are replete with all the teensy details that we may be able to recollect if we throw our minds back to our childhood. Did we not give childish nicknames to our friends? Hell yes, we did!!

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