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The labyrinth of silence

Book title – The labyrinth of Silence Publisher – Vishwakarma publications Pages – 207    Language – English Genre – fiction Author – Aparna Salvi Nagda Available on – Purchase link ––84aQyw2bhJtl0MkJ_2_1uzPw5RFNGxss-deC_FhW0y_tWi012PIp5M_BsQJkkgTCc9woQtDMfTSz1zGalhE1GEs6hUT68DE4rDIvDH1i6h525w-a7WiClgJjY-SFfyNpnyab3qQ0MAW9-9UZR3iEXuI_tHLIynxr7MuTU7USXKJfUn4Gepbq8pn7zwoU2DQVczCAM0yonmVCsR6-Q_cnfqrIhudQpyx4aEuZvDHs.pu5gsGY31XEIuaeiiuqCTL7L3J5w211mkjlOQ2U_CsI&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+labyrinth+of+silence&qid=1719288704&sprefix=the+labyrinth%2Caps%2C210&sr=8-1 ************************************************** About the author –   Dr Aparna Salvi Nagda is a homeopathic practitioner by day and …

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Beneath Divided Skies

                  Book title – Beneath Divided Skies Publisher –  Vishwakarma Publications Pages –  262 pages   Language – English Genre – contemporary fiction Author – Natasha Sharma Available on – Purchase link – ************************************************** About the author – Natasha Sharma is …

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How Zomato stole my money!!

I deliberated for the longest time before writing this post but in the end, for me, it boiled down to the fact that this post is not about the money, its about the principle of the thing. I am more than happy to contribute the amount (that Zomato owes me) …

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