I have stood for many moons
Under the starlit, spangled heavens
Delving into the mysteries of the sea.
I have stood for many suns
Under the golden, warm sky
Deciphering the enigmas of the universe.
Bobbing on the deep blue,
Swaying to the murmurs of the wind
I have ridden the ripples, many times
In deep contemplation.
The ripples have sung to me, mutedly
The melody of the water,
Often in a gentle lilt,
Like a cadent whisper.
And you…
I have felt you hustle past, often
Hefting, heaving, hoisting
And casting your nets in silent effort.
With you, I have sat often
In a meditative trance
Watching the dawns and the dusks.
I have seen them carve wrinkles
On your weather-beaten visage.
I have seen them carve shadows
In your wizened eyes.
Together, you and I have grown.
You have matured, I have aged
But, in all this the one constant
Always has been the water and the sky.
Image credit – AbsolutVision via unsplash.com