Tales with a twist

Book title – Tales with a twist

Publisher –  Amazon E Book  Pages 64 pages –Language – English

Author – Varadharajan Ramesh

Price – ₹ 49 for the E-book and  ₹0/- on kindle unlimited

Available on – Amazon.

Purchase link – https://www.amazon.in/Tales-Twist-Varadharajan-Ramesh-ebook/dp/B07N1T5YT9/ref=sr_1_2?crid=14EYGL7FWNYW0&dchild=1&keywords=tales+with+a+twist&qid=1599971456&sprefix=tales+with+a+twist%2Caps%2C324&sr=8-2

I had been meaning to read this book for some time now. I love ‘pull the rug’ endings in stories. To me, they constitute a key component in making the story linger in the minds of the readers. And, not every writer can pull the ‘rug off’ in a gobsmacking manner. Nope! It takes talent to do that. It takes talent to lead the reader down a certain path and then do a U-turn in the end. This book promised that and that is why I was keen to immerse myself in it.

Now, very often we come across fantastic stories. They have a beautiful introduction that sucks the reader in right away. They also contain a fantastic build up of conflict and are backed by powerful characters. Those characters remain in the readers’ memory – Their quirks, their idiosyncrasies and their endearing habits. However, when it comes to conflict resolution and the denouement, many times, even such fantastic stories fail.

I was not disappointed in Tales with a twist. They do deliver what they promise.

VR writes with an easy command on language that is backed by some powerful characterization. He does not ‘tell’ us about his characters but instead ‘shows’ us via his words and dialogue tags. To me, that was quite the high point of the stories.

It often happens with most anthologies that they centre on a theme. So, as you read more stories in the book, you kind of start expecting certain things to happen in the succeeding stories. That takes away some of the reading pleasure, at least for me. However, in this book, that is another thing that I enjoyed. The book may be a compilation of short stories but they do not revolve around any particular theme. The stories are also not a particular word limit; some are shorter than the others. They are a mix of different genres and themes and that is why you never know what to expect in the next story. That was refreshing because as I read one story, I found myself looking forward to the next.

VR explores a plethora of themes in this book. The stories are ‘slice if life’, ‘drama’ , ‘time travel’, ‘Sci-fi’, ‘animal POV’, etc, to name a few. But, if I had to pick my favourite from among all the stories, I would say – repairing cushions (erm…coz I have been there and had that kind of thing done to me), the troubles of time travel and perfection.

This book is not a lengthy compilation so it is perfect for some late night reading or even as a companion on a rain sodden evening whilst you sip a cuppa.


About Sonal Singh

I believe that life is a repertoire of anecdotes. The various situations that we encounter, the many incidents of every day, the people we meet, our conversations with them; all make life a melange of tales.And, that is what I attempt to capture through my writing.My cooking is no different! It reflects my love for travel and my love for innovation. The kitchen is my happy place.So, even though by vocation I am a recruiter (www.rianplacements.com), by passion I am a writer, home chef and a hodophile.

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  1. Thanks for the book review vil surely read

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