They came just as I was to leave, those torrential Mumbai rains.
I had gone to such lengths to dress up, they ruined my pains.
Despondently I peered out of the window, praying them to stop.
Damn! They bore down on earth steady, packed quite a wallop.
He would be waiting for me in the cafe that stood by the bay.
How in heavens name would I now step out and make my way?
The rains drummed down, beating a staccato rhythm on the city
I finally decided to venture out, brave the elements and be gritty.
I walked out onto the pavement and tried to hail a passing cab.
No cab stopped for poor me, even thought I offered double tab.
Eventually I started walking, under the umbrella I tried to huddle.
My errant step did not see the hole; down I went into the puddle.
Oh! Woe be me! For I was soaked in the filthiest of smelly sludge.
How could I go and meet him now for sweet nothings & hot fudge?
My day was ruined, so was my clothing, I’d just bought this dress
I could only turn back home now to salvage myself from this mess.
As I started walking back homeward, my cell phone signalled a call.
I grabbed at my bag, tried to dig it out and plonk had another fall.
This time I went down flat on my butt, a stiletto heel had broken
My umbrella blew off in the gale, Oh! It all left me quite shaken.
I decided to call off my romantic tryst; today was just not my day.
The wanton Mumbai rains had ensured I did not have my way.
They probably colluded with my Mother, for she liked the guy none.
Limping I reached back home crying & damn! There came out the sun.
Image – Bhawin Jagad via unsplash