The wanton rains

They came just as I was to leave, those torrential Mumbai rains.

I had gone to such lengths to dress up, they ruined my pains.

Despondently I peered out of the window, praying them to stop.

Damn! They bore down on earth steady, packed quite a wallop.


He would be waiting for me in the cafe that stood by the bay.

How in heavens name would I now step out and make my way?

The rains drummed down, beating a staccato rhythm on the city

I finally decided to venture out, brave the elements and be gritty.


I walked out onto the pavement and tried to hail a passing cab.

No cab stopped for poor me, even thought I offered double tab.

Eventually I started walking, under the umbrella I tried to huddle.

My errant step did not see the hole; down I went into the puddle.


Oh! Woe be me! For I was soaked in the filthiest of smelly sludge.

How could I go and meet him now for sweet nothings & hot fudge?

My day was ruined, so was my clothing, I’d just bought this dress

I could only turn back home now to salvage myself from this mess.


As I started walking back homeward, my cell phone signalled a call.

I grabbed at my bag, tried to dig it out and plonk had another fall.

This time I went down flat on my butt, a stiletto heel had broken

My umbrella blew off in the gale, Oh! It all left me quite shaken.


I decided to call off my romantic tryst; today was just not my day.

The wanton Mumbai rains had ensured I did not have my way.

They probably colluded with my Mother, for she liked the guy none.

Limping I reached back home crying & damn! There came out the sun.

Image – Bhawin Jagad via unsplash

About Sonal Singh

I believe that life is a repertoire of anecdotes. The various situations that we encounter, the many incidents of every day, the people we meet, our conversations with them; all make life a melange of tales.And, that is what I attempt to capture through my writing.My cooking is no different! It reflects my love for travel and my love for innovation. The kitchen is my happy place.So, even though by vocation I am a recruiter (, by passion I am a writer, home chef and a hodophile.

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