Best reviewer in Jan 2020 on Penmancy
Bibliophilia award by Chrysanthemum chronicles (plethora blogazine)
Chrysanthemum Chronicles is an international literary magazine that publishes poetry, prose, short stories, literary fiction, articles, illustrations, artwork or anything eclectic. Chrysanthemum Chronicles is also a Publishing House that homage works of fiction, prose, literary fiction and short stories.
Read More »Jury for writing challenge by Chrysanthemum chronicles
Chrysanthemum Chronicles is an international literary magazine that publishes poetry, prose, short stories, literary fiction, articles, illustrations, artwork or anything eclectic. Chrysanthemum Chronicles is also a Publishing House that homage works of fiction, prose, literary fiction and short stories.
Read More »Jury for Beyond the Box writing challenge
Beyond the box is an online platform that is on a mission is to help children and budding writers unbox the joy of writing and develop love for the written word. Their vision is to empower children by encouraging them to own their thoughts and expression. They constantly strive to …
Read More »Bacon wrapped baked chicken legs
The best thing about baking chicken is that it’s fast, easy and simply delicious. There are literally hundreds of recipes out there and the best part is that as an ingredient, chicken is really easy to work with. It adapts well to innumerable marinades and can be paired with a number of spices. In fact, each culture around the globe has its own way of baking this accommodating meat.
Read More »Mashed potatoes
Now, potatoes have long since been considered a European staple. But, did you know that in reality they are a New World food and were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers around 1536?
Read More »Green pea soup
The traditional pea soup is actually the split pea soup which is made from the dried legume and not the fresh/frozen green pea. It is believed that the Greeks and Romans even cultivated this legume as far back as 500 to 400 BC and the vendors sold hot pea soup on the streets of Athens.
Read More »Broccoli and spinach soup
Spinach is a green leafy vegetable loaded with nutrients and antioxidants that boasts some formidable connections to amaranth and also beets and quinoa. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and is loaded with proteins and carbohydrates. Broccoli is a rich source of both fiber and protein.
Read More »Goya
The word ‘Goya’ is an Urdu word that refers to a suspension of disbelief particularly through stories. And, is that not exactly what short stories are meant to be – an immersive experience of reading which transports a reader to the make believe world created by the author? Are not stories meant to be escapes and glimpses into a world that offers entertainment? In my opinion stories are meant to be addictive therapy but of the good, doctor prescribed kind.
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