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Better luck next time

  To the wily wind that threatened to lift me and sway me away, I say, “Better luck next time.” To the torrid sea that swelled & frothed to cast me adrift, I say, “Better luck next time.” To the arid breeze that parched my very essence, I say, “Better …

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Parenting- Two sides of a coin

One day their paths diverged, the couple decided to quit. Bitterly they fought, at home, in court, everywhere they’d sit. Each wanted a piece given by the life that they had let go, To them she was the most precious thing, they both loved her so.   Eventually it came …

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Swinging back to childhood

  I spied a swing in the park today when I took my child out to play. Oh! What memories it evoked. It left me feeling warm & stoked. It took me right back to my childhood and time was till, yes it stood; As I just stood there and …

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