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Vanilla Cake

I am not much of a cake lover. Oh, I do love to bake cakes but they are mostly for family and friends. I prefer Indian sweets to cakes and pastries. However, Vanilla Cake is a cake that I absolutely love. For me it is akin to soul food. Give …

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Mango Lassi

We Indians are rather partial to Mangoes, are we not? For us that is the king of fruits and why not. We have so many varieties that are grown and exported too. However, among all these there is a variety that beats even other mangoes and by a long shot. …

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The boat and the fisherman

I have stood for many moons Under the starlit, spangled heavens Delving into the mysteries of the sea. I have stood for many suns Under the golden, warm sky Deciphering the enigmas of the universe. Bobbing on the deep blue, Swaying to the murmurs of the wind I have ridden …

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