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Memory and time

The jagged splinters of memory, Through the wrap of time Beckon. Their beguiling charm Coddling me, ensnaring me. Dare I sink in? Do I allow them to drag me back? Isn’t time supposed to pass? Then why do these shards of memory Beckon so, dragging me back? What answers does …

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All is just again

I believe, The mornings breathe in silence, Stretching languidly When roused from their nightly slumber. They no longer ring with The cacophonous din of humanity. I know, That nowadays they resonate With melodious chirps and cheeps. The Koel coos, the crows caw at the waterhole And today, a Sparrow hopped …

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My Lost Conversations

He doffed his peaked cap as I opened the door. To his stoic silence, his rigid stance my happy smile succumbed and perished. His eyes met mine albeit in a brief dalliance. ‘I’m sorry,’ he mumbled, handing me a note. Holding it, unopened, my eyes searched his face. But, his …

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