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My Lost Conversations

He doffed his peaked cap as I opened the door. To his stoic silence, his rigid stance my happy smile succumbed and perished. His eyes met mine albeit in a brief dalliance. ‘I’m sorry,’ he mumbled, handing me a note. Holding it, unopened, my eyes searched his face. But, his …

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Chicken and Sausage bake

There is something so quaint about Sunday brunches…right? They bring the family together and well they also bring loads of yummy food to the table. However, in times of these Corona induced lock downs, the produce that usually goes into my Sunday brunches is reduced. Oh, it is tricking in, …

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Orange Pound Cake

Do you remember how biting into that first fresh orange of the season feels like? I mean, now a days we get oranges year round, thanks to both domestic and exotic varieties. But, there was a time, when we were kids, that we could get oranges only from November to …

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