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Sands of time

  Through the spun filigree of dusk As I bade farewell to another day I ached for you.   Did the sifting sands of time stop? Did my maimed heart skip a beat?   Swathed in reams of gloomy regret I felt my heart throb painfully as It ached for …

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Why does pain hurt?

  Why does pain hurt? Like a hot spoke burrowing through The soft chambers of our heart, It cleaves a severe path. Oh, the agony of heartbreak. How agonizing is the feeling! The pain of it clamps its hot fingers Around our tender feelings, Suffocating their softness To leave us …

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River of dolour

Teetering on the brink, As if unsure and uncertain, It totters. Indecisive or may be hesitant It reins in its dampness, and Contracts into a moist orb, Glistening like a drop of dew. It lays there for a while Vacillating On the moist rim of emotions Which churn in the …

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