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Chicken & Ham Quiche

I had a half pack of fresh cream gasping its last breath in my fridge. I poked into all corners of my brain for a recipe (even searched the net) but all I came up with was recipes that presented no challenge. Bah! Then I remembered…a fragment of a memory …

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The woman in the window – A J Finn

Book title – The woman in the window Publisher – Harper Collins Author – A J Finn Price – ₹ 399/-                          Pages – 427                     Language – English Available on – Amazon If you were haunted by your past, by the events that decreed how your future would be, what would …

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Malai Paneer Tikka

My older daughter does not have a spice palate. She abhors spicy food and would rather go hungry than eat it. So, it is more for her than for the family that I develop recipes which are low on the spice quotient and yet are delicious. This recipe for paneer …

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