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River of dolour

Teetering on the brink, As if unsure and uncertain, It totters. Indecisive or may be hesitant It reins in its dampness, and Contracts into a moist orb, Glistening like a drop of dew. It lays there for a while Vacillating On the moist rim of emotions Which churn in the …

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Mother and memories

Mother, Do you remember those summer nights? We would lie under the stars On the Charpai in the aangan? You would urge me to look for shooting stars And prod me to wish upon one. I did that. I was young, I believed in magic. But, more than magic, I …

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  Far removed From the eviscerated Maw of pugnacious humanity I buzz… A mute spectator Hovering over the rim of the world. Like an open book, the world lays open, Its spine fractured under The onus of its bludgeoned self. Will it recover, ever? Will it be able to snap …

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