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Our moon has blood clots

Written in a reflective tone, ‘Our moon has blood clots – a memoir of a lost home in Kashmir’ is a gut-wrenching chronicle of the events that led to the slaughter of hundreds of Pandits in the Kashmir Valley in barbaric events that unfolded after 1990. Driven out of their ancestral homes and lands and not welcomed warmly by any other countrymen, this is the story of those of ‘nobody’s people’ (page 89).

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Just another wave

From the poem ‘Sands of Time’ //They trickled slowly down the funnel, no sound of bells or chime, quietly, through the glass tunnel ran out the sands of time. The mighty mountain stood its ground, foreboding, all alone. The waves would all come and pound their fists onto its stones….//

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Myriad of Dreams – poetry

Between the pages of this book are lovingly cradled a plethora of emotions. As you read, Nisha takes you through pages that invite you to enjoy nature and its elements and gently nudge you to sit, relax and introspect about yourself, about those around you and about life. However, the shift in mood in the book is not sudden. Like a day bright with sunshine and warmth gently sighs into the embrace of the cool, bedecked night; Nisha’s poems lead you down the path of self-discovery and love. Each nugget is presented with such transparent candour that you cannot miss their relevance to your life.

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