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From the heart of a homemaker

The poet talks about how she yearns for some ‘My time’, away from the din of her life. She seeks it, searches for it because she realizes that it is much needed. The poet also challenges some societal notions by asking why it is that people think that the terms homemaker and ambition are divergent. Why does society automatically assume that a homemaker has no ambition?

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tête-à-tête on child health and care, pre and post covid

On the occasion of World Heath Day on April 7th we bring you an interesting discussion on – Child Health and care, pre and post covid.   Our panelists are  Dr. Arva Bhavnagarwala- MBBS, DNB (Pediatrics) Dr. Arva Bhavnagarwala- MBBS (Terna Medical college, Navi Mumbai) DNB- Pediatrics (Masina Hospital, Byculla, …

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